Our last kitty, Sylvester, passed away in November 2009 right before Thanksgiving. He died in Kurtis's arms at home. It's always devastating to loose a pet but for us this was beyond devastation. This was our 3rd and last cat to pass away in 13 months. Zoey in October 2008, Pleko in February 2009 and now Sylvester, November 2009. Kurtis said he wasn't up to doing a blog entry on Sylvester right now. We will do one but it will come with Kurtis is ready.
This is one of our favorite pictures of Sylvester.. also known as The Cow Cat and Mr. S.

This is one of our favorite pictures of Sylvester.. also known as The Cow Cat and Mr. S.
Neither of us were ready for another kitty right away and with the whirlwind of the holidays, traveling, winter, bridal shows and weddings all of a sudden we found ourselves in March realizing that our house is still too quiet.
Our neighbor, Dee, said she wanted to get Kurtis a kitty for his birthday so we started looking and looking and looking. Kurtis has decided that he wants an orange, long hair male kitty and we can't find one anywhere. (if you know or hear of one... give us a holler!!) We also decided that we would get 2 cats and get them around the same time so they would have a friend and we would have kitties again in our house.
Yesterday we went out to Lollypop Farm to look at the cats. We didn't find any long hair, orange, males... but we did find Trouble. That is his name. Trouble. He is a one year old grey tabby with white paws and a white dot on his forehead, very affectionate, curious and very friendly.
At Lollypop you are allowed to pick out 3 kitties to meet and greet. We had originally only picked out 2, a short hair, orange, male and a small, female, tabby. As we were waiting for our turn to see the kitties we noticed this one kitty in his cage, very playful, rolling around, talking and playing with his sister. The Lollypop lady saw us looking at him and said "That's Trouble, he is a great cat, just got here a few day's ago" Since we didn't have a 3rd pick we decided to toss him into the mix. We couldn't see the orange kitty as he was sick and wasn't available, the small, female, tabby was really shy and scared, but Trouble was a hoot. He came into the room talking and jumped into our arms, loving and purring. Since they didn't have an orange kitty we decided to wait on Trouble. We went out to the car got halfway down the street and decided that maybe this kitty might be worth the trouble. (ha ha) We went back and adopted Trouble.
This kitty had a really big day. He was neutered in the morning, his sister was adopted right before we adopted him, he had to spend the afternoon at the studio, played with Hayley and Kiera, explored every inch of my office (and I mean every inch... even behind the book shelf on the third shelf). Then right after he got comfortable at the studio it was time to go home. So then he had our entire house to explore (which he did in about five minutes running from room to room). After he explored everything he jumped up on the couch snuggled next to me and laid down as if to say "ok, this works for me, I will stay" Besides exploring the house, Trouble is really good at sleeping.
This is Trouble.

He was at the studio for 3o min before the girls arrived. This is Hayley with Trouble after 2 minutes. He jumped into her arms and loved her.

We didn't know it, but we went looking for Trouble and Trouble found us.